Affirmations for Angels

This month as we are going through our first caregiver challenge, pause to think about how filling your own bucket first will help you to share your fill with those you take care of alongside yourself.

Every morning, say an affirmation out loud to help you shield yourself from some of the inevitable negative blows that will occur. As caregivers, we often forget about ourselves. Here are some examples of affirmations to use in the morning to give to yourself before you begin giving to others, so you have more to give to others:

  • I am a work in progress and that is more than enough

  • Every day, I am becoming more and more of who I want to be

  • I release all negative thoughts

  • I exude possibility

  • I let go of harmful habits that do not serve me

  • I love the skin I am in

  • I am vibrantly alive

  • I am not broken. I am healing. I have value. I value myself.

  • I have so much to offer. I have so much to give.

  • I show up for myself

  • I attract love & abundance. I invest in me first.

  • I overthink, but I overcome

  • I am not perfect, but I am perfect as I am


We also discussed some hardships with being a parent. It’s important to be willing to make mistakes. The biggest risk in life is not risking anything.

Much love,


[affirmations adapted from the Habit Change Affirmation deck and The Five Minute Journal]

Amanda Joyce

Author, Teacher, Health Coach


A New Years Resolution To Break


Natural November: Caregiver Challenge