Cultivating Inner Serenity: The Art of Thinking Peace

In a world filled with chaos, noise, and constant demands on our attention, finding peace can often feel like an elusive dream. This week as I was doing some Fall cleaning, I noticed a white feather following me through each room. Within each of us lies the capacity to cultivate a sense of inner serenity that can guide life through tumultuous waters. It all begins with the power of thinking peace, to slow down enough to notice that white feather.

The Search for Peace

From the moment we are born, we embark on a lifelong quest for peace. We seek it in our relationships, our careers, and our surroundings. We search for it in the pages of books, the melodies of music, and the embrace of nature. But true peace, the kind that withstands the storms of life, is not something we find; it is something we create from within similar to finding the eye of the storm.

The Power of Thought

Our thoughts are incredibly powerful tools. They have the ability to shape our reality, influence our emotions, and guide our actions. When we consciously choose to think of peace, we are taking the first step toward making it a reality in our lives.

Start by acknowledging the chaos and noise that often surrounds us. The storms swirling around us. Recognize the external factors that can disrupt your inner peace, whether it's a demanding job, a challenging relationship, or the constant barrage of information from the digital world. Once you've identified these sources of disturbance, you can begin to work on calming the turbulence within.

The Practice of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that encourages us to be fully present in the moment, to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, and to cultivate a sense of inner calm. By regularly engaging in mindfulness meditation or taking moments throughout the day to pause and breathe, we can gradually train our minds to think peacefully. Mindfulness is something I teach as a health coach daily and applies to every aspect of our lives. Here are some ideas on mindfulness and health. Similar to savoring that can be found in this post about slowly savoring. During these moments of stillness, reflect on the things that bring you joy, gratitude, and contentment. Focus on the beauty of nature, the warmth of human connection, and the simple pleasures of life. When you intentionally direct your thoughts towards these positive aspects, you'll find that peace begins to fill the spaces once occupied by worry and stress.

Choosing Love Over Fear

Choosing love over fear became the theme of my bestselling memoir, Marshalling Beats of Your Heart. Fear is often the root of inner turmoil. We fear the unknown, the future, and the judgments of others. But peace is the antithesis of fear, and it thrives on love, trust, and acceptance.

When faced with challenging situations like Marshall was daily for four years, make a conscious choice to approach them with love and compassion rather than fear and anxiety. Remember that every person you meet is fighting their own battles, and a kind word or a sympathetic ear can go a long way in spreading peace and understanding.

The Ripple Effect of Peace

Thinking peace isn't just about benefiting ourselves; it's also about creating a ripple effect of positivity that extends to those around us. “A positive thinker sees the invisible and achieves the impossible” -Anonymous. When we radiate peace, it becomes contagious, inspiring others to seek it as well. In this way, we become agents of change, contributing to a more peaceful world one thought at a time.


Thinking peace is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey. It requires self-awareness, practice, and a commitment to nurturing the tranquility within. By harnessing the power of your thoughts, practicing mindfulness, choosing love over fear, and inspiring others with your peace, you can transform your life and contribute to a more harmonious world.

So, as you navigate the ups and downs of life, remember that peace is not something to be found; it is something to be thought. Cultivate it within yourself, and watch as it blossoms into a beautiful garden of serenity that you can share with the world.

Amanda Joyce

Author, Teacher, Health Coach


Whole Foods and Whole Hearts: A Recipe for Happiness


Slowly Savoring