4 Things To Prioritize As School Starts

C….I quickly chose the option that I would most likely do in the assessment. RESULT: HYPER-ACHIEVER and HYPER-RATIONAL. These characteristics sabotage us wanting constant performance for self-respect and self-validation. Want to understand a little better why we lose touch with emotional needs and relationships?

We can be goal-oriented and work hard, but that could spiral into also keeping people at a distance. Especially since losing the person I allowed to get the closest to me 7 years ago, I find more and more since that fateful November afternoon that I push emotions further and further away. They were too intense to be able to feel. Dwelling in those feelings for too long caused extreme sadness. I didn’t linger in that depression and went on to the next task and the next task all the while numbing those hard feelings. This lead to where I am today- a fear of intimacy and vulnerability. Feelings are a distraction now.

If we realize we are losing touch with our deeper feelings and ability to connect to others, it’s time to make a switch to feeling loved unconditionally and loving unconditionally. As school starts, one thing we can do to ensure our children are loved unconditionally is to remind them that life is not just about producing results or portraying a good image. There are many things to focus on that are not success that will help in lasting happiness.

According to a course I took from Stanford on the Science of Wellness, remember to help your children and yourself focus on:

  1. KINDNESS- Gratitude for each new day and the little things

  2. SOCIAL CONNECTION- Friendships and play

  3. TIME AFFLUENCE- Time to do things they and you truly enjoy

  4. HEALTHY PRACTICES- Exercise, Sleep, Nutrition

Set aside time in their schedule and in your schedule. As much as we think good grades, lots of money, and fame will brings us happiness- it’s actually the 4 things above. So set priorities to be kind, cultivate a relationship or smile at someone, schedule in something fun daily, and as a health coach let me know if I can help you or someone you love prioritize healthy practices TODAY!

Amanda Joyce

Author, Teacher, Health Coach


Launching My Angel Wings


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