Now Serving...LOVE

What a February of 2s! I loved the movements that happened in my city between 2.2.22 and 2.22.22. I felt the vibrations of my city being up-leveled as communities came together. I put in efforts 2 move my own energy from my head space 2 my heart space.

As my February focus shifted from my head and more to my heart, I noticed there is less distraction and clutter when I live with my heart.

Here’s a few tips to lead a life more with your heart:

  • Create a morning routine that STARTS your day with the type of energy you want to lead that day. It is important you do this first thing in the morning. It will affect the rest of what happens during the day. Come hell or high water, the right mindset creates your reaction.

  • Who do you want to BE as you are getting stuff done? This question is more important than what you will get done.


    One of the courses I took gave me an excerpt I read in the mornings:

    I promise to TRUST myself enough to be willing to hear and speak the truth and treat myself LOVINGLY, GENTLY and with RESPECT. I will do this in my thoughts, words, and actions, all the time.

    In every interaction, I will look for and acknowledge the highest and best in myself as I surrender to LOVE, my true nature. Staying connected to LOVE and nurturing that relationship is more important than any issue.

    If anything unlike LOVE comes up, I will go to that quiet place within where LOVE dwells. I will listen to, welcome, and accept LOVE’s guidance. I will be teachable as I ask to be inclined toward healing and shown how to keep communication open in all relationships.

    I am willing to be response-able for my own realities and learn to keep LOVE conscious, active and present as I HEAL and CELEBRATE LIFE!

  • Find an excerpt, action, vision board, or whatever it is that empowers you with love every morning. You can live every day empowered with love. Start by simply stating the affirmations: 1. I am practicing empowerment with love. I am being empowered with love. I am breathing love. I am living love.

  • Water is an essential ingredient for your heart and integral to the heart’s function. Getting enough water is another good first step in the morning. Proper hydration helps your blood draw enough water from your cells to bring back to your heart. Not enough water triggers blood-sugar imbalance.

  • Sign up here Marshalling Beats of Your Heart to receive updates on the memoir coming out later this year all about leading your life more with your heart.

Amanda Joyce

Author, Teacher, Health Coach


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