Embrace, Love, Achieve: A Fun Guide to Loving Your Body While Nailing Your Health Goals!

Hey there, lovely readers! As I have been a health coach for the last four years, one thing I have noticed is that people often tend to beat up their bodies in order to shape and sculpt them to what’s trending online. Today, we're diving into a topic near and dear to my heart after helping many achieve their goals – loving your body while also smashing your health goals. It's all about finding that sweet spot where self-love and wellness intersect. So, grab a cozy blanket, your favorite natural snack, and let's embark on this joyful journey together!

1. Celebrate Your Victories, Big and Small

Whether you've conquered a marathon or finally nailed that yoga pose you've been working on, take a moment to celebrate! Every milestone, no matter how small, is a testament to your strength and determination. So, throw yourself a little party – dance around the living room, treat yourself to a fancy drink, or simply bask in the glow of your accomplishment. You deserve it! Celebrating the wins gets the momentum going to achieve more wins!

2. Shift Your Mindset from "I Have to" to "I Get to"

Instead of viewing exercise and healthy eating as chores, reframe them as opportunities to nourish and care for your amazing body. Remind yourself of all the incredible things your body enables you to do – from dancing with friends to hiking in nature. I have a few favorite dance classes namely High Fitness with Tangi and LDub Club with Laci. You also gain more friends and have way more fun moving your body. By shifting your mindset from "I have to" to "I get to," you'll approach your health journey with a newfound sense of gratitude and joy.

3. Surround Yourself with Positive Vibes

Speaking of Tangi and Laci, surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you on your journey to self-love and wellness. Whether it's a supportive friend, an encouraging coach (I LOVE talking health and wellness, so reach out if you want me as your support), or a vibrant online community, having a strong support system can make all the difference. Share your victories, lean on each other during challenges, and celebrate each other's progress along the way.

4. Practice Self-Compassion

Be gentle with yourself, especially on those days when you're feeling less than perfect. Remember, nobody is flawless, and that's perfectly okay! Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer to a dear friend. Take breaks when you need them, listen to your body's cues, and remember that rest is just as important as movement on your journey to wellness. Plan specific rest days, your body will LOVE you for it!

5. Focus on How You Feel, Not Just How You Look

This one is HUGE friends. Do you ever feel like everyone is starting to look the same these days? It’s so boring. Instead of fixating on external appearances, pay attention to how you feel from the inside out. Notice the energy coursing through your body after a nourishing meal or the calm that washes over you after a refreshing yoga session. When you prioritize how you feel over how you look, you'll cultivate a deeper connection with your body and a greater appreciation for all it does for you. I preach intrinsic motivation over extrinsic validation every day of the week and twice on Sunday :).

6. Treat Yourself with Love and Respect

Treat your body like the precious gift that it is. Fuel it with nutritious foods that make you feel vibrant and alive. Move it in ways that bring you joy and fulfillment. And above all, speak to yourself with love and respect. Banish negative self-talk and replace it with words of affirmation and encouragement. You are worthy of love exactly as you are, and your body deserves to be treated with kindness and care. Tell your body, “I Love You” three times every morning and see if you notice a difference in how you treat it during the day. You are love and any other love coming from others will wash over that love you are already giving and fulfilling in yourself.

7. Find Joy in the Journey

Lastly, remember that your health journey is just that – a journey, not a destination. Embrace the ups and downs, the twists and turns, and find joy every step of the way. Celebrate your progress, learn from your setbacks, and above all, keep moving forward with a heart full of love and a spirit filled with determination.

So, there you have it – a fun-filled guide to loving your body while achieving your health goals! Remember, you are strong, you are capable, and you are deserving of all the love and happiness in the world. Embrace your uniqueness, celebrate your victories, and never forget to shower yourself with the same love and kindness you so freely give to others. Here's to a lifetime of health, happiness, and boundless self-love!

Love, AJ

Amanda Joyce

Author, Teacher, Health Coach


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